Home UpAjaigar 4, Kartal

Kartal is a sleepy town of 8,000 people about halfway between Ajaigarh and Kalinjar. By a fluke, there happened to be a wedding in progress this day, and a stranger was of course welcome.

Kartal's main street, which is the main road passing north from Ajaigarh to Naraini, where one turns to Kalinjar.

A side street.

Narrower still.

Typical roof tiles.

The local tailor's shop.

Photo break.

A procession, prompted by the Durgapuja.


The procession passes a house in whose courtyard men have gathered.

The mood is relaxed but the occasion serious: money is to be passed from the family of the bride to the family of the groom. The bride's brother prays at left.

Fruits, as well as money, are displayed.

The big moment: a bundle of rupees is handed to the groom's representative.

There are plenty of witnesses.

They've seen this many times before.

Still, it's no time to nod off.